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Haagse happiness

Our most brutal treasure

Meet our The Hague treasure: Brute Bonen. Discover the story of the perfect espresso and how you can have it freshly delivered to your home!

Tuesday 16 January 2024

We are proud to introduce our new The Hague treasure: Brute Bonen! Together with Pieter, Jop is the face behind this brutal company. The most important ingredient of the perfect espresso? The right bean. The freshness of the bean is a crucial—and often underestimated—aspect of the entire process. This is why the men at Brute Bonen deliver the beans to your home by bike courier right after roasting. As a package through your mailbox, so you can effortlessly enjoy a delicious bag of freshly roasted coffee at home!

Love for Flavor

This is the slogan of this local business. Jop and Pieter are both cooking enthusiasts. Together, they are always in pursuit of perfection. Perfection in food, but also in their quest for the perfect espresso. And how do you make that perfect espresso? According to the guys, it is not made from a single coffee bean but from the combination of three different coffee beans from, yes, three different countries. The most special bean is an Indian bean that is dried by the monsoon wind. After all, the more influences of weather and wind, the better the flavor of the bean and the less acidic the coffee tastes.

brute bonen koffie den haag

Personal Contact via Whatsapp

In addition to the perfect bean, there’s another aspect that makes this company so special: Jop’s personal approach. What started as a simple text to a few friends and acquaintances has now gotten quite out of hand. Jop now texts with hundreds of people who order coffee from him. To get into this loop, you place your first order through the website. Every two weeks, you’ll receive a payment request, along with an update on the new roasting day! And if your espresso tastes different than usual, Jop is ready to help. Chances are your machine at home is just set up incorrectly. Send a text to Brute Bonen, and you’ll receive a personal coffee coaching session from the man himself over the phone. This way, Brute Bonen helps everyone create the perfect espresso at home.

Also Fun: Brute Bonen is a Physical Selling Point for Our Haagse Schatten Gift Card!

Even more reason to bike over to the Binckhorst area, cause in the summer of 2023 Brute Bonen opened their beautiful espresso bar there. Now just be careful not to spend your gift card all at once 😉

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Marijn Pot